What about the Oddities?
Oddities in October is a series created by Franki Lew that follows the lives of macabre, monster-owned animals (familiars) and their homely lives in the Haunted Hollow.
Haunted Hollow is a bit of a commune for the unnatural and undead, a place where the cursed and accursed can rest after years of being hunted by mortals - it’s a monster haven!
And, as you’ll soon discover, there’s a lot that goes into being a ‘monster’ or an ‘animal’. You’ll come to realize it’s not evil or dark magic in the air...it’s nature (and also dark magic).
Basically, this series is a ‘pet’s eye view’ story with a dash of ‘monster mash’ thrown in.
So far “Oddities” has one book in it’s roster; Mouse the Witching Cat, which is available as a super cursed hardcopy and a less-cursed digital download from Etsy.
Also on Etsy is other Oddity memorabilia worth buying such as comics and coloring books.
You can follow Oddities on Redbubble as well, with a variety of familiar designs to choose from and bring the magic of October with you all through the year.